Climate change: Major emitters accused of blocking progress at UN talks

Delegates from developing countries have reacted angrily to what they see as attempts to block progress at the COP25 meeting in Madrid.

One negotiator told the BBC that the คาสิโน  talks had failed to find agreement on a range of issues because of the blocking actions of some large emitters.

Carlos Fuller from Belize said that Brazil, Saudi Arabia, India and China were "part of the problem".

Other observers said there was a serious risk of failure at the talks.

Download the BBC Energy Briefing, from October 2019 (10.7MB)
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Ministers from all over the world have arrived in Madrid บาคาร่า for the high-end negotiations that will determine the final outcome of this conference.

Despite a huge climate demonstration on the streets of the Spanish capital last Friday, hopes of an ambitious declaration at COP25 have smacked straight into the realities of politics and entrenched positions.

